The Hobbit
The Hobbit is a Platformer game developed by Inevitable Entertainment and published by Sierra Entertainment in 2003. Set in the mythical world of Middle-earth, The Hobbit is an action adventure game in which the player assumes the role of Bilbo Baggins. Control Bilbo from his peaceful Hobbit hole in Hobbiton into the dark and harrowing Mirkwood forest and finally to the Lonely Mountain.
To install:
Copy to C:\Users*user name*\Documents
v 1.3 License
The game done 100%, all chests, coins, crystals, weapons
The Hobbit is a Platformer game developed by Inevitable Entertainment and published by Sierra Entertainment in 2003. Set in the mythical world of Middle-earth, The Hobbit is an action adventure game in which the player assumes the role of Bilbo Baggins. Control Bilbo from his peaceful Hobbit hole in Hobbiton into the dark and harrowing Mirkwood forest and finally to the Lonely Mountain, in which lies Smaug the